Yu Yang

Former PhD students

PhD student



B2/L3 – 3255-WS14

Research Interests

D27 was the first  identified β-carotene isomerase involved in Strigolactone (SL) biosynthesis in plants. D27 proteins are divided into 3 clades in Arabidopsis based on phylogenetic analysis. My research was focused on the other two D27 homologs, both with the enzymatic and biological explorations in plants.

Selected Publications

  • Yang, Y., Abuauf, H., Song, S., Wang, J. Y., Alagoz, Y., Moreno, J. C., ... & Al‐Babili, S. (2022). The Arabidopsis D27‐LIKE1 is a cis/cis/trans‐β‐carotene isomerase that contributes to Strigolactone biosynthesis and negatively impacts ABA level. The Plant Journal.
  • Zheng, X., Yang, Y., & Al-Babili, S. (2021). Exploring the diversity and regulation of apocarotenoid metabolic pathways in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 787049.
  • Jia, K. P., Mi, J., Ablazov, A., Ali, S., Yang, Y., Balakrishna, A., ... & Al‐Babili, S. (2021). Iso‐anchorene is an endogenous metabolite that inhibits primary root growth in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 107(1), 54-66.