Shanshan Song

Former Postdoctoral Fellows

Research Assistant



B2/L3 – 3255-WS13

Research Interests

My research focus is on utilizing traditional engineering and synthetic biological techniques to refine photosynthetic microbial cells, such as cyanobacteria, for the sustainable production of high valuable compounds. Cyanobacteria are believed to be the evolutionary origin of plant chloroplast, so they are capable to convert solar energy to biomass. Cultivation of cyanobacteria does not occupy arable land, reducing the competition with crop plants. And they belong to prokaryotes containing relatively simple genetic background that eases manipulation. Therefore, cyanobacteria are gaining increasing interest as a platform for synthesis of economically important products.

Selected Publications

  • M. Hagemann, S. Song, E. Brouwer. Inorganic carbon assimilation. Cyanobacteria Biotechnology, 2021, under revision.
  • Song, S., Timm, S., Lindner, S.N., Reimann, V., Hess, W.R., Hagemann, M. and Brouwer, E.M., 2020. Expression of formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase did not improve growth but interferes with nitrogen and carbon metabolism of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Frontiers in microbiology11, p.1650.
  • Liu, Y., Yang, M., Zheng, L., Nguyen, H., Ni, L., Song, S. and Sui Y, 2020. Antioxidant responses of triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii exposed to toxic Microcystis aeruginosa and thermal stress. Science of The Total Environment743, p.140754.
  • Han, X., Peng, K., Wu, H., Song, S., Zhu, Y., Bai, Y. and Wang, Y., 2017. Overexpression of PSP1 enhances growth of transgenic Arabidopsis plants under ambient air conditions. Plant molecular biology94(4), pp.419-431.
  • Han, X., Peng, K., Wu, H., Song, S., et al, (2016) A preliminary study on the mechanism of the effect of serine on the rhythm of photorespiration genes. Plant Physiology Journal, 52, 1397-1405.


  • Women Promotion Scholarship, Rostock (Germany) 11.2018-1.2019