Boubacar A. Kountche

Former research scientists

Research Scientist



B2/L3 - 3231-WS05

Research Interests

  • ​Mapping QTLs for host plant resistance to biotic and abiotic constraints to cereal production (including Striga, downy mildew, low- phosphorus, drought);
  • Application of modern breeding tools to population improvement and genetic diversification in applied breeding program;
  • Participatory Plant Breeding, Technology transfer, Seed system.​ 

Selected Publications

  • K. H. Moumouni, B. A. Kountche, M. Jean, C. T. Hash, Y. Vigouroux, B. I. G. Haussmann, F. Belzile, 2015. Construction of a genetic map for pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., using a Genotyping-by- Sequencing (GBS) Approach. Mol. Breeding 35: 5. doi:10.1007/s11032-015-0212-x
  • Kountche, B. A., Kane, N., Ousseini, I. S., Vigouroux, Y., 2013a. Crop Adaptation to Biotic and Abiotic Conditions: Going Wild with Next Generation Sequencing Technologies. Agrotechnol 2: e103. doi:10.4172/2168- 9881.1000e103.
  • Kountche, B. A., Hash, C. T., Dodo, H., Oumarou, L., Sanogo, M. D., Amadou, T., Vigouroux, Y., This, D., Nijkamp, R., Haussmann, B.I.G., 2013b. Development of a pearl millet Striga-resistant genepool: Response to five cycles of recurrent selection under Striga-infested field conditions in West Africa. Field Crops Res. 154, 82–90.​


  • ​2013 Ph.D. in Genetics & Plant breeding,​ Montpellier SupAgro​ 
  • 2009 M.Sc in Genetics & Plant Breeding, Montpellier SupAgro​ ​​

Professional Profile

  • ​2014- Present  King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), KSA  Postdoctoral​ Fellow, Center for Desert Agriculture (CDA)​ 
  • 2010-2013  IRD (Montpellier, Niamey) Junior Researcher, ICRISAT-Sahelian Center (Niamey) 
  • 2010 Visiting Scientist, University of Sheffield - UK
  • 2009-2010 ICRISAT Dryland Cereals Program - Research Assistant, ICRISAT-Sadoré, Millet Breeding Program (Niger)​ 
  • 2009 Research Associate, M.Sc intern ICRISAT-Patancheru (India)
  • 2006-2007 Research Technician, ICRISAT-Sadoré, Millet Breeding Program (Niger)
  • 2005 Research Associate, B.Sc intern ICRISAT-Sadoré, Millet Breeding Program (Niger)​